Dark Age of Camelot Wiki
Level: 2
Related NPC's:
Leads To:
Quest: Artigan of Fintain


Speak with your trainer about your specializations; afterwards, right click your trainer to choose a reward.


Well met, fellow Vampiir.

As you progress in your adventure, you will receive training 'skill points'. Training these skill points will provide you with new skills and abilities, as well as increase your damage and power. You must make sure to visit your trainer regularly to receive these new abilities.

I can train you, as well as explain all of your different specializations to you. Take the time to review them with me; afterwards, we shall outfit you with a weapon.


Speak with your trainer about your specializations

Meaghan says, "Greetings race, I can tell you about your specializations: [Piercing], [Dementia], [Vampiiric Embrace], and [Shadow Mastery]. Let me know when you are [done]."

Meaghan says, "Piercing is a basic weaponry skill. Each point you place into it will increase your damage with a piercing weapon. At different levels of training you will acquire combat styles. These styles will be unique to piercing weapons.

What else can I tell you about [Piercing], [Dementia], [Vampiiric Embrace] and [Shadow Mastery] or are you [done]?"

Meaghan says, "The Dementia spell line contains focus mesmerization spells, random buff shearing spells, random armor debuffing spells, skill deuff spells, as well as your magic and melee resistance buffs and magical claw damage spells.

What else can I tell you about [Piercing], [Dementia], [Vampiiric Embrace] and [Shadow Mastery] or are you [done]?"

Meaghan says, "The Vampiiric Embrace spell line contains castable and claw magical damage spells, self weapon and evasion skill buffs, fumble debuffs as well as a stealth detection spell and a NPC dismissal spell.

What else can I tell you about [Piercing], [Dementia], [Vampiiric Embrace] and [Shadow Mastery] or are you [done]?"

Meaghan says, "The Shadow Mastery spell line contains focus snare spells, self combat and parry buffs, heal over time spells, as well as endurance sapping spells and magical claw damage spells.

What else can I tell you about [Piercing], [Dementia], [Vampiiric Embrace] and [Shadow Mastery] or are you [done]?"


There are many Vampiir trainers throughout the realm who will be available to you for your training needs.

Remember to visit your trainer regularly! Good luck, Vampiir!


  • 300 experience
  • 94 copper
  • standard dagger

Dps 2.8 Spd 1.9 Str 3 Dex 1 Qui 1 Melee Skills 1


